IT Vision

Provide an access to requisite information at the nearest point of work area to all associated with Panchamrut through integrated networkWe will specially work to provide the facility to rural areas so that they are not deprived of latest art of information technology and make them use this information for their socio-economic development, growth and better quality of life

Key Strategic Objectives behind Implementing the IT project in Panchmahal Dairy
  • To use of the latest Information Technology for overall upliftment of stake holders of the organization
  • For variety of MIS reports for efficient, effective and timely decision making
  • To avoid duplication of data, saving of man power and more accuracy in data
  • Transparency of business to the village society
  • To provide the best quality of the products to our customers in time
  • Immediate resolvement of internal and external customer complaints
  • Timely payment to farmers, retailers and vendors
  • Reduction in inventory cost
  • To bring out economical and social upliftment of affiliated member milk producers
Computer Application in PANCHAMRUT DAIRY
Synchronous with changing trends, the organization dairy has adopted   computerization in to all its functional departments.Each individual section is knit in to a web by utilizing the Local Area Network. This makes information accessible by a click in the EDP; the hub of all information technology related activities.
Electronic Data Processing Section
This section carries out the core computer related activities. Out of the wide range of computer accessories, separate IPA, IDU, Line matrix printer etc.,. and Centralized Electronic Data Processing unit working on Local Area Network are just some of them. . Panchmahal dairy has three servers namely database server, application server & mail server.To keep the users abreast with the dairy industry anywhere in India and abroad the  Intranet facility is available.
Geographical Information System ( GIS )
GIS helps management for various analysis and future predictions This system plays a vital role in providing information, which has helped us before and will keep on helping us taking decisions of paramount importance.
Finance and Accounting.
The whole Accounting System of the organization is computerized with the latest multi user version of Tally 7.2.TDS & TCS certificate are prepared with e-TDS software that is made as per the central government rule and regulation. We have a huge set up for the transportation of variety of materials including  milk procurement and and distribution on contract basis  The payment of all these hire routes vehicles are  made through in-house developed software.We are selling our product  to GCMMF, the billing of selling material is generated in our Tally based sales system  and the same data is sent to GCMMG’s web enable software named  Web EIAS
e Milk Billing All the Village Dairy cooperatives covered has been given an unique identification number to prepare “Society Master”    file.The payment formalitie of the milk received are  done by drafting a Milk-Bill statement which contains the quantity and quality of milk received. This billing takes place every 10 days and is one of the most important  financial transactions.This discloses all the transactions between the union and the DCS like society ledger, Society Deposits, Societies ‘ transaction like that of milk
testing materials, Ghee, Fodder seeds, Dan and other services. This system simultaneously maintains a consolidated statement of the whole year which is thoroughly analysed examined and can be audited later on.
Payroll & Human Resource Developments
Our HRD Deptt is well equipped with listing of various Welfare Policies like Group Super Annuation, Group Insurance, Group Workman Compensation, recruitment and promotion process. Employees Deposit Linked Insurance scheme .,.  Accounting of Group Super Annuation Scheme and EPF Scheme.  All the employees of the organization has an unique identification code. We maintain Payroll system through Electronic Data Punching System.  Preparation of various returns as well as all general correspondence  are managed through computers.
Marketing and Finished Product Strores
Marketing & despatch department is equipped properly at each point of interface with other departments and with the help of computers efficiently carries out the despatch of milk & milk products, demand note preparation, sales invoice preparation, stock position, sales and related data are maintained and analysed using computers.
Purchase & Inventory management
In purchase & stores department all  stock positions , inventory control, generation of indent, order placement, billing etc., is done through computer. Minimum & maximum quantity of all goods in stores is fixed & upon re-order level the computer automatically generates the indent of the said goods.
Computerization at R.M.R.D. and Q.A Lab
The raw milk accounted in the computers of the DCS in terms of odd figures ranging  anywhere from a liter to anything that the farmer spares, comes in 40 liter units of cans to the dairy raw milk receiving dock, loaded on a milk transporting van. At the dock DCS route – wise milk is collected, weighed and sampled. Similarly the milk collected at Bulk milk chilling units and chilling centers is transported through the insulated   tankers and at the dock the center wise receipt with its quantity a quality is managed using computers 
The read out is transmitted to a computer software wherein a consolidated route – wise report is generated. The data of weight   of milk received from RMRD is pooled to make a report which helps in preparing statement for milk billing.The QA Lab at the union houses a  Milko scan 133 B instrument for measuring fat SNF, protein and lactose levels in raw milk reception from DCS.The Milkoscan is a semi-automatic, micro processor controlled instrument and its basic 
operation is similar to that of an infra-red spectrophotometer wherein an infra-red beam is focused to pass through the sample and strike a detector. The energy detected is then amplified and through microprocessors, converted to a read out. The readout is transmitted to a computer
Society store
In case of starting a new DCS  or for operating the functional DCS the village dairy   cooperative representative  come to the  dairy and avail all the utilities required from the society store. The same store  helps in making available all the items required for the smooth operation of all the existing DCS by providing material like glasswares, stationery,  chemicals, Automatic Milk Collection unit, automatic fat tester  machine, weighing scales etc. These transactions & informations are  fed in to  a memory bank and processed and analysed as per requirements. The goods received ( GR ) notes; payment / deduction invoices and required statements are generated. 
Management Information  System: ( MIS )
The management Information System ( MIS ) this is the key dept. of our   organization; uses various analytical softwares  to workout. Monitor and plan the various functions of the organization. The comparative & comprehensive progress analysis of the various sections / departments and costing of various products / services are the main functions of MIS, which helps management in taking correct decisions at right time.

Use of IT in Other Cooperative services

Animal Health Services
On intimation from the DCS, Veterinary Doctors provide round the clock health care facilities at the doorstep of the milk producer. This is achieved by equipping the vets with mobile communication and medically equipped van. The database related to number of emergency calls attended, by a center and /or a doctor; Kms used per trip; disease diagnosis; medicine used; medicine purchase and inventory etc. are maintained in computer and analysed to take suitable dicissions.
“Dairy Herd Improvement Programme Action” (DIPA)
Through a field progeny testing programme, genetic potentiality of   animals of the district is monitored and the records generated from the computers helps in selecting the most productive bulls. Semen collected from the proven bull at the semen station is preserved in deep frozen conditions to be used later for Artificial Insemination (A.I.). An active databank of village animals; semen details, AI, conception rate; pregnancy diagnosis, calving details, milk recording etc using a special comprehensive software  are maintained.
Group Cattle Insurance Scheme (GCIS)
The protective insurance coverage is provided to the cattle/buffaloes of member milk producers. In the     event of death of these animals records are maintained for the cause of death, insurance availed etc. It also helps to workout doctor wise; center wise; village wise; breed wise claim ratio; and related information.
Group Member Insurance Scheme (GMIS)
This scheme gives an insurance cover to the milk producers members. The specifications like village details; member details, premium and case settlement details are managed herein.
Purchase of milch animal
The organization is actively engaged in helping the milk producer members to avail the benefits of subsidy / loan for the milch animal purchase under variety of government schemes. The milk producers are helped in buying the best quality milch animals through identified traders. These database is maintained using specially prepared software which take care of beneficiary details bank details, traders’ derails;  recovery & outstanding loan amount etc.
Computerisation at Dairy Cooperative Society (DCS) level- Common Service centers(CSCs)
The roots of our computer applications can be traced back to every individual dairy farmer who is a part of our organization Many of the dairy coop. societies have been equipped with a PC ;  weighing scale, printer and an electronic milko tester.These together achieve simultaneously the task of activating a farmer’s account in the database of the computer, measuring the amount of milk he pours in to the common cauldron, estimating its quality and giving his equivalent payment figure.Inventory Control, Purchase, Sales & other Accounting procedures of the DCS are some of the many services that have been simplified since the introduction of computers.Apart from these services Panchmahal dairy teamed up with the District Collectorate to install an IT enabled Information Kiosk popularly known as info. kiosk at some of the DCSs. This radical idea has empowered the rural populace of Panchmahal  with a fundamental right, the right of information, aptly named as ‘MAHITI SHAKTI’. These services are being modified to make the same user’ friendly also termed as Common Service Centers (CSCs) under the National E Governance Plan.The kiosk is for anybody and everybody in the village, to access  web information pertaining to civic amenities, registering complaints with the government offices FIRs, applying for loans provided by the government, locating employment opportunities, availing of facilities like ration card, ‘Vrudh Sahay Yojna’ etc. and anything that is offered by the government is available at this kiosk. The Panchmahal Dairy has been identified as nodel agency for implementing this e-project..