

Milk Union has started the extension services for their milk producers in the year 1989 under the technical guidance & financial assistance from National Dairy Development Board, Anand. Initially; under the Co-operative Development Programme; the Milk Producers were exposed to the knowledge and practices of  principles of Co-operation with an aim to build up their ownership towards the co-operative structure.

 Apart from Milk Producers’ the DCS Committee members are  also trained for the DCS Management Principles & effective administration of DCS. The DCS Staff Members are also imparted  training to update their knowledge,skill and attitude required for the smooth functioning of their co-operatives.

 After 10 years  of Awareness Training, Milk Union has thought to train/educate the members through the  need based training programmes. Under the technical guidance and Financial help of Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd., Milk Union has decided to implement following modules under village self leadership improvement programme for Milk Producers as a needbase training.

1. Cleanliness ModulesFor improving cleanliness of DCS will result in Maintenance of Milk Quality.
2. A.I. Module  For improving A.I. Services will result in improvement in productivity.
3. Planning Module For improving Planning Process of DCS.
4. Milk Testing ModuleFor improving Milk Testing Procedure of DCS.
5. Feed Module For improving feeding practices of Cattle/Buffalo.

As on March  2006, Milk Union has implemented cleanliness module in all functional DC, AI Module in 550 DCS & planning module in 360 DCS.


1. Cleanliness Module

Awareness  creating amonst members regarding the Globalization & privatization of Milk Business.
Importance of Quality Milk.
Identification of Resource Persons & Formation of Core group.
Training to core group for improving DCS cleanliness.
Zero Audit of DCS Cleanliness.
Monthly Audit of  DCS cleanliness.

Tree plantation by DCS members at RED TAG Day celebration

2. A.I. Module

Village Awareness Programme on Importance of     Animal Breeding.
Importance of quality semen and control on waste in the AI process
Zero Audit of A.l. Process.
Monthly Audit of A.I. Process.

  3.  Planning Module

Discussion with Chairman, Secretary for Creating need  of DCS planning.
Discussion with Management Committee members  to create need of planning &bringing about members  involvement fir the long term planning of DCS activities.
Implementation of VMS Process at the village through  LSIP(Large Scale Interactive Process).

VMS Process   (3 days)

Identification of Minimum 60 Members of different age   groups, different gender, different educational   background  etc.,
To prepare atleast 6 maxmix groups

Day – 1 Process

Importance of long term planning for DCS.
Internal Presentation of DCS(Last 5 years).
External Presentation of Milk Business.
SWOT Analysis.
Identification of Values.

Day – 2 Process

Recape of Day-I.
Preparation of Mission Statement.
Preparation of Journey of 5 years.
Identification of Strategic Thrust Area.
Identification of Goals of each thrust area.

Day – 3 Process

Recape of Day 2 & 3.
Action Planning of each each thrust area.
Preparation of Review Schedule.

  Quarterly Review.

Review of Activities planned.
Review of Impact of activities performed.
Replanning of activities.

Annual Review

Review of activities planned.
Review of Annual Targets.
Review of Impacts of activity prepared.
Revisit the VMS process.