
(a) Artificial Insemination programme :


(01) Field AI Program

 Field AI Program in the Panchmahl –Dahod district initiated in the year 1982 through the organization of 19 Stationary AI Centres at village level. 
 Even after our untiring efforts of expanding AI services in the milkshed area , through the organization of stationary AI Centres , we could be able to reach only 150 villages by the year 1989.Therefore, with a view to include more villages under the AI Network , the Cluster AI Centres’ concept implemented ,wherein good performing inseminators are allowed to work on 7-8 nearby villages around the main Centres. The Panchmahal milk union was amongst the firsts to adopt and implement the cluster AI Concept in the country. Till date , by adopting this approach , Panchmahal Milk Union could be able to cover more than 900 villages in the AI Network. In the coming few years , it is planned to cover almost all villages under the AI network. 
 To maintain the breeding health of cattle & buffaloes and to achieve better results of AI Services, Fertility camps are organized periodically at Village Dairy Cooperatives. 
 Feed and fodder and Minerals are essential for the normal life functions. 
 To cope up the minerals deficiency in the breeding stock , specially formulated “area specific mineral mixture” is supplied  to milk producers for their animals, through their cooperative societies on large scale. The encouraging results and positive impact on the fertility of the cattle & buffaloes are noticed due to this program. 
 (02) Dairy Herd Improvement Program Action 
 To identify the genetically superior animals and propagate better genomes in the base population of the cattle & buffaloes , a joint – DIPA launched in Panchmahal, Sabar and Vadodara District Milk Unions in 1992 with the technical guidance and financial support from NDDB, Anand in 30 villages of each milk union. 
 Later on , Amul Milk union joined in the program in 1996 by adding 20  DCSs in the system. An unique breeding plan designed and accordingly every year a set of 10 bulls were put under the test. Around 2000 AIs  using each bull in a year is targeted under the program and expecting at least 100 daughters’ complete records per bull . 
 Objectives of DIPA 
To identify animals of highest genetic potential.
To breed maximum No. of animals with identified bulls having high genetic merit.
To develop program for improving quality of AI service.
To adopt programs for improving reproductive efficiency of milch animals.
To improve nutritional status of animals, reduce worm load and protect against infectious diseases.
To develop MIS-DIPA.
Support research efforts in improving productivity.
 Activities observed under the program are 
Organizing inseminator’s training program.
Monitoring FSD & LN2 procurement & distribution in a way that each bull is allowed to perform in all villages in all seasons.
Intensifying program of Pregnancy Diagnosis follow up.
Monitoring registration, AI,PD,Calving recording system.
Monitoring test day milk recording system.
 DIPA born calves assessment. 
  1. Promoting regular use of mineral mixture & Cattle Feed.
  2. Promoting mass deworming & vaccination .
  3. Organizing calf rallies in DIPA villages.
  4. Monitoring Nominated mating system.
 Overall benefits observed 
No of Buffalo bulls put under test : 110 and 6 bulls declared proven sire.
Age at first calving reduced
Inter Calving period reduced.
Milk production of daughters born under program is increased.
Awareness about improved animal management practices increased.
People able to know the actual milk production per animal.

(b)  Providing Bulls for Natural Service program :

 In the remote villages where approachability is in question and the enough breedable cattle and buffaloes’ population exist , milk union is providing good quality of breeding bulls with the financial support from various Government agencies , against the demand from the respective villagers. 
 Till date ,About  135 breeding bulls have been supplied in villages of Panchmahal-Dahod district under this program.