
Our Objectives
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  2. The Objectives of the Union are to carry out activities for the economic development of the milk producers by or gaining effective production, processing and marketing of milk & milk products.     

    To achieve above objects the Union may

  3. Purchase, pool, process, manufacture.. distribute and sell commodities from the members of the affiliated societies and private sources without affecting the interest of the members.
  4. Note: In case of the Union undertakes production, processing and marketing of agricultural commodities other than milk and milk products, it will obtain the prior permission of the Registrar.
  5. Own or hold on lease or otherwise, movable or immovable properties.
  6. Purchase, process, manufacture, distribute and sell cattle feed, dairy and food machinery, tools and instruments, dairy and food packaging materials.
    Encourage growing of fodder by the members of its affiliated societies.
  7. Give veterinary and artificial insemination services and provide medicines and undertake cattle insurance work.
  8. Own herd of cattle for breeding work.
  9. Buy animals on behalf of members of the affiliated societies..
  10. Make arrangements for transport of commodities.
    Organize new Co-operative Societies and develop affiliated ‘societies to the utmost and impart Co-operative knowledge amongst members and its application to business methods.
  11. Render technical, financial, administrative and other necessary assistance to other milk schemes.
  12. Organise and encourage savings schemes.
  13. Settle all matters of common interest of the affiliated societies and to further these interests.
    Carry on co-operative propaganda.
  14. Generally to carry on such other activities as to push and further the above objects and to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above mentioned objects.
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  16. With a view to organize and co-ordinate the activities of the primary societies affiliated to the Union, the Union shall advise, guide, assist, rectify, control or take over their management partially or fully when necessary and may appoint an administrator under section 81 of the Act.
  17. Union may organize supervision of the affiliated societies and for that purpose may fix supervision charges to collect with the permission of the Registrar and collect.
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  19. Establish a Research and Development Association having independent existence, to contribute to its funds, and to raise funds for the same from the members of the Union.
    To create funds and trusts for the benefit of the employees to support and to assist the same .
  20. The union shall approach the Registrar for approval regarding the contribution by Union and employees and to implements the same as per rules framed under the laws in force.